Overall Findings

Though the internal technology in optical and laser mice differs, the average user may not notice a distinction between the devices. Price used to be a factor when choosing between an optical mouse and a laser mouse, but the price gap has narrowed. Other factors may drive your choice, for example, if specific applications or situations call for certain features. Hardcore gamers may need a mouse with particular functionality. If you need flexibility, choose a mouse that works on any surface.

Technology: What’s Different in Optical and Laser Mice?

Optical and laser mice differ in the technology used to track movement. The optical mouse uses an ​​LED light as an illumination source. The laser mouse, as its name indicates, utilizes a laser. Optical mice have a resolution of around 3,000 dpi, while laser mice have a resolution between 6,000 and 15,000+ dpi. Since laser mice have a higher dpi, these devices track more dots per inch and are more sensitive. The average user probably can’t tell the difference. Some users, however, such as gamers and graphic designers, may notice the difference and prefer a laser mouse or a specialized mouse.

Surfaces: How Do Laser and Optical Mice Differ?

An optical mouse generally senses only the top of the surface it’s on, such as a fabric mouse pad. But the laser light looks more deeply, so it’s sensitive to peaks and valleys on a surface. The sensitivity of a laser mouse has a downside. It’s vulnerable to speed-related accuracy variance or acceleration. If you quickly run your mouse across its mouse pad and slowly bring it back to its original position, the cursor on the screen should also return to its initial spot. If it doesn’t, the mouse suffers from acceleration.  Optical mice aren’t as sensitive as laser mice, so you can’t use them on some surfaces, but they are not as vulnerable to acceleration. An optical mouse works well on a mouse pad or any non-glossy surface. A laser mouse works on any surface. You may want a laser mouse if you plan to use your mouse on glossy surfaces.

Price: Not a Huge Difference These Days

Laser mice used to be more expensive than optical mice. This price gap between the two types has narrowed, but specialized mice can cost more. The higher-priced mice have additional features for specific functions. These added bells and whistles drive more costs than internal tracking technology. For example, massively multiplayer online role-playing game fans or those into heavy multimedia editing or graphics applications take advantage of mice with extra buttons on the side. Other users may prefer a specific color or design.

Final Verdict: You Can’t Lose With Either One

If you’re trying to decide between an optical or a laser mouse, the good news is that you can’t go wrong. Laser mice used to be more expensive, but the price gap has narrowed. Optical mice have a lower dpi, but this isn’t something an average user would notice. Both types perform well, though various brands and models may appeal to individual uses. Opt for a laser mouse if you want to use a mouse on multiple surfaces. Choose an optical mouse if you’re comfortable with your mouse pad.