You or Your Family’s Full Birth Dates

Everyone loves getting birthday messages on Facebook, feeling love and warmth from friends and family members near and far. But when you list your birthday in your Facebook profile, you’re offering criminals a key piece of information they can use to steal your identity. If you absolutely must have those birthday greetings on your wall, at least leave your birth year off your profile.

Your Relationship Status

It’s tempting to make a bold statement and change your relationship status to “single” the second you end a relationship, but it’s not a good idea. A newly single status can alert stalkers and creepers you’re back on the market. It also lets them know you might be home alone since your former significant other is no longer around. Leaving your relationship status blank on your profile is the easiest way to keep things private.

Your Current Location

It’s easy to broadcast your location on Facebook with the Check-In feature and the app’s location services. Many users don’t give revealing their location a second thought because they’re eager to actively share what they’re experiencing. But giving out your location is a bad idea. You may have acquaintances looking to track you down. If you’re at the airport or on vacation, you’re alerting potential thieves that it would be a great time to rob you. Adding details in your post about vacation specifics can reveal exactly how long you’ll be gone, as well. Share those vacation pictures when you get home, and consider disabling Location Services on the Facebook app.

You’re Home Alone

Just as revealing your location when you’re away from home is risky, sharing that you’re home alone is even more unwise. This warning is especially true for teenagers and other younger Facebook users. While it’s easy to feel safe and secure that only friends are reading your posts, it’s possible you have an unintended audience. Sharing that you’re home alone puts you at risk, so don’t do it.

Pictures of Your Kids and Other People’s Kids

Proud parents can be overzealous when it comes to posting pictures of their children and their children’s friends. People commonly share daily activities and special events, tagging everyone involved and filling everyone in on our activities. Even with privacy settings you’re comfortable with, this level of sharing is unwise. Issues such as privacy, bullying, and digital kidnapping, along with the reality that dangerous people are out there, make oversharing our children’s lives a bad idea. If you must post pictures of your children, remove personal information such as their full names and birth dates, and don’t tag them in pictures. Make sure you’re not broadcasting locations, as well.